Welcome to the support files of waking up helper. Everyone needs a little bit of support sometimes, especially when making sure to properly wake up from trance. Take your time, everything is completely alright.
Content Information and Warnings:
Trance | Wakener | Helper/Support
This script and file exist to put you back into a shallow/light trance and then take the time to slowly and properly wake you up.
By being guided out of trance more slowly, headaches, nausea and feelings of unwellness after a trance/session can be lessened or even removed entirely.
For more information or detailed descriptions, take a look at this blog entry from the Academy of Teachings:
There are 3 versions of this file. First there is the script/text version, then there are two audio version. One with a slow and relaxation based induction and one with a more confusion and overload based induction. This way you can choose your own preferred style of those 3 options. The wakeup process/part of the file will be similar in all of them.
Use these files if you have problems waking after one of the kingdoms scripts/files, but also feel free to use them privately after listening to other files or after a session. We all want to keep enjoying hypnosis.
Take care.
Listen to the file here:
Relaxation Induction
Or listen to the file on Soundgasm:
Confusion/Overload Induction
Or listen to the file on Soundgasm:
Read the script here:
Hello there, no worries, no need to think. Everything is quite alright. Just allow yourself to remember the feeling of trance. Just allow yourself to forget about the surroundings around you. And just allow yourself to focus again right here, right now. Knowing that you can allow yourself to be guided back down into a trance, that you will be guided back down into a trance, and that it will help you feel much better.
After all, even if you aren’t realizing it, you are still in a trance. You are still hypnotized, following my words. And I will use my words, to pull you back down deeper into trance. Like wrapping a soft and gentle rope around you and pulling you back down, like taking you by the hand and slowly guiding you deeper into trance. Your mind and thoughts are already almost doing so on their own after all.
Trance feels good, its relaxing, its mind meltingly beautiful. And you are being guided deeply back down into one. It’s so easy to just take a deep and calm breath. Just like that, just like you are doing right now. Taking deep and calming breaths, relaxing your whole body, being guided down more and more, deeper and deeper into this wonderful and amazing state of trance.
Your surroundings have long disappeared without you even being aware of it. You’re just reading, following, almost as if my words are being spoken to you directly, as if my warm, calm and enchanting voice is echoing in your mind, guiding you deeper and deeper with each and every breath you take. Each slow and deep breath guides you deeper and relaxes you more. And the more you relax, the deeper you drop back down. Just like that. You are doing so very, very good.
Become aware of how this feeling of trance has surrounded you by now, become aware of how your mind and thoughts are calm, become aware of the relaxation surging through your body, become aware of how your focus is only right here, right now, with everything around you having disappeared.
And that’s how easy you can be brought back. Thats how easy you can be guided back into trance. Because you never woke up completely.
But that’s going to change now. We will take our time, take you by the hand, and slowly and completely guide you right back up. But this time, fully and completely.
To do so, I will count from 0 to 10. Each counted number will allow you to become more and more aware of your surroundings again and will wake you up out of trance more and more. Once the number 10 was reached, you will be completely awake, you will be completely aware of your surroundings, and everything will be completely back to the awake state. Understood? Wonderful.
Let’s take the first step.
The first number is counted, and you will be able to feel your body slowly preparing to wake up. Your mind knows what will happen and where you will be guided. Which is why your mind and body will be able to easily follow as I take your hand and guide you back out of trance. Step by Step, taking our time and instead of rushing anything, waking up properly.
With this number you will notice the following happen, you will notice, that with each and every breath from now on, instead of dropping deeper into trance, you will be waking up more and more. Try it. Take along and deep breath right now. feel the air filling you, making you feel so light. Making you truly feel how you are rising up. More and more and more.
As you are continuing to take deep and calm breaths, try focusing on your body. Focus on the tips of your fingers and toes. Try to move them, gain awareness in them, wake them up. And as you start to wiggle and move your fingers and toes now, its like they are waking up from a deep and comfortable nap, regaining conscience and coming back to you.
Next are your wrists and ankles. Just like with your fingers and toes, continue the same with your ankles and wrists. Move them, turn them. Feel them moving. feel the freedom. Feel how your body is being awoken from its slumber. Steadily and properly.
And while your body is being awoken from its slumber, so is your mind. Your mind before was very slow, extremely focused on only here, on my words, almost empty. But the lighter your body becomes with each breath you take, the easier it will be to think. To have calm and active thoughts and for your mind to wake up more and more. It’s like your mind is being unfrozen and coming back to you.
While your mind and thoughts are waking up, your surroundings are coming back to you as well. Slowly but surely, your surroundings are coming back into focus. You become more and more aware of them. The objects around you as well as noises and maybe even movement around you. Just allow your surroundings to come back completely.
Your mind is feeling much more active and aware by now. But so is your body. So why not give it a try and stretch your arms and legs a bit. Start with one, then the other. Just like that. Wonderful, you’re doing great. Feeling how your body is still relaxed, but it’s as if your muscles are getting activated. As if by stretching, your muscles are now waking up and rising as well.
You’re being guided so far up, back up from trance, that you can feel it happening. you feel how you are being guided, you feel yourself waking up more and more. Staying relaxed, staying calm, but becoming more and more awake. Leaving the state of trance and becoming completely awake again.
Become aware of how your surroundings are completely back now. You are aware of everything around you. You can see everything, hear everything, feel everything. You take deep breaths, filling your body with the refreshing and strengthening air. Like waking up from the most wonderful nap, snapping back to reality, and just smiling to yourself from all those wonderful feelings.
Your body and mind are completely awake as well. Your thoughts are active, your body is activated and awake. You feel relaxed and refreshed. You feel focused and aware. And you are right where we wanted to guide you.
Wake up Completely now. Up, Up and Up. just like that. Perfect.
Welcome back. Go ahead and stretch your arms and legs some more. Also do me a favor and drink a little something.
While doing so, look around, take a few steps and move a bit. And with each movement you will be able to wake yourself and your body up more and more.
Take care
Now take care and enjoy yourself.
See you next time.